What I've Done

As a board member I have served as both secretary and president. I feel that my experience will be vital going forward as we say farewell to two long-time board members, Tom Schott and Brad Marley. Brad has been an active liaison between the schools and the city, and I would like the opportunity to try to fill his shoes.

I’ve always been a politically interested advocate. My term on the board has allowed me to develop my relationships with our elected officials. I’ve been a vocal advocate for all of the students in Indiana to receive the best possible public education, both before and during my term.

The Strategic Planning process has recently begun at West Side. After being derailed by the pandemic, we’re taking the opportunity to reset and come up with a plan to guide our school administration for the next 3-5 years. I would really appreciate the opportunity to see that process through to completion. We will seek input from teachers, students, families, and community members as we choose our adventure for the next several years.

Since I’ve been a board member, we have consistently increased benefits (specifically with the free health clinic that is available to our teachers and their families) and increased salaries. I plan to continue that trend, because happy teachers make happy students.

In my first term on the board I earned enough education credits through the Indiana School Board Association to earn “advanced” status. I have learned a great deal, and it would be a shame to not be able to continue to put that knowledge into practice. In my experience, and according to experts, it takes a good two years to learn the job and become an effective board member.

As a board member I have served as both secretary and president. I feel that my experience will be vital going forward as we say farewell to two long-time board members, Tom Schott and Brad Marley. Brad has been an active liaison between the schools and the city, and I would like the opportunity to try to fill his shoes.